
I'm not.


"Idiot! That's part of the job of the maid of honor", she

Well, I'm glad she was satisfied with that explanation. I sure wasn't. When we got upstairs, Mary pulled me down to her room. She had a little refrigerator in there, in the part she uses as a study and she quickly made two martinis. She gave me one.

"While it would be distinctly improper for the bride to show up stoned at her own wedding, there is equally nothing wrong with a little fortification, right?" I was having trouble getting my breath so I just nodded.

Then we went to my room. The dress was lying on the bed as well as large box. "Oh, good. It got here!" "It" turned out to be a complete outfit of lingerie of the same blue satin as the dress. So Mary helped me get dressed. And then I helped her. Which was sort of different. It wasn't until she was completely dressed that I noticed that we were dressed identically, except for the color. The only difference was the long veil she would wear once we got to the church.

Mary paused once to make another martini and we had just finished when Mother started calling from downstairs. Boy! I nearly fell downstairs, I'll tell you, what with managing high heels and that long skirt and the two martinis. The house was empty when we got down everyone had gone to the church. Even though we were a little late, Mother kept us both there in the living room while she sort of well, you know how mothers are.

And then we were at the church and everyone was walking down the aisle and then it was my turn - and then Mary's, Boy! It sure doesn't take long to get married. In just a few minutes, back we all went and everyone was throwing rice and then we went to the country club.

Well, receptions are a bore and this one wasn't much different. The only thing was when the bridal couple danced, then it was the turn of the attendants and I had to dance with